Pink Heel Ladies
I'm Jill Dougherty, founder and president of Pink Heel Ladies.
Pink Heel Ladies was founded in 2008. A girlfriend and I had a very difficult day in the restaurant world, with the Red Hat Ladies. No offense to our fellow women's groups, but this particular set of them were awful to serve. After work, while enjoying a glass of wine, we discussed a women's group that was not only fun, but that also gave back to the community. We had heard of and joined many groups over the years, but none of them seem to capture everything we were looking for in a community women's club. We debated names and image. I happened to be wearing a fabulous and fun pair of Pink Heels. Perfect. The Pink Heel Ladies were formed!
The initial premise, if we can afford to spend money on ourselves going out, why can't we also have that money go towards a worthy cause, seemed new and interesting. We began recruiting friends, advertised and held our first meeting, with 15 new Pink Heel Ladies!

Pink Heels Forever
Jill Dougherty
Pink Heel Ladies began choosing one Non-Profit or community organization each month or quarter to support. If the Boys and Girls Club was having a crab feed, we bought two tables. The local boosters club held a wine fundraiser, we bought 2 dozen tickets. We "piggy-backed" on other Non-Profits and organizations that were doing events important to the community or to us individually. Events were unique and we usually had great turn outs. Our Pink Heels are real attention getters, and the attention helps promote the cause or charity. Over the years we supported women's shelters, orphanages, animal causes, Hospice, food banks, school sports and clubs, community gardens, foster care, Veteran's groups, The First Tee, cancer awareness, youth organizations, and so many more worthy organizations. Our goal was to keep pricing around $25.00 per person, to make attendance more budget friendly. Due to a series of circumstances (admin team moved out of state, personal obligations, etc.), the Pink Heel Ladies took a hiatus in our fundraising efforts. I have just re-launched The Pink Heel Ladies and I am excited to share the passion with new and returning Pink Heel Ladies!
Pink Heel Ladies attend wine tastings, museum openings, festivals, sporting events, luncheons, galas, fundraising dinners, community fundraisers, concerts, restaurants, dance lessons and walk/jog a-thons. Pink Heels come in a variety of color, shade, shape and style. Each pair is unique, like our members. Not a heel person? No worries. Dazzle in your favorite pink shoe. It's the community involvement that is important.
Re-launching in 2025, many new adventures await us. The premise is still the same. We will find local Non-Profit's and community organizations to lend our Pink Heels to and help raise awareness and funds. Taking into account inflation, our goal will be to keep each event approximately $40.00 max per person. The donation is usually built in to the event cost. Pink Heel Ladies is not a Non-Profit, but we ally ourselves with other Non-Profit's. The calendar so far in 2025 has a corned beef and cabbage dinner supporting Lions Club, a wine & beer festival supporting Modesto Junior College sports, a May luncheon supporting ending human trafficking, and a Stockton Ports game for Breast Cancer Awareness!
Pink Heel Ladies encourages new members. Tell a friend. Bring a friend! Pink Heel Ladies is open to all ladies, regardless of age, color, race, religion or political views. It is a great way to network, make new friends, attend fun events AND give back to our community. Of course, Pink Heels are wonderfully fun too! Many of our events are also welcome to Pink Heel Ladies friends and family, including husbands, significant others, brothers, neighbors, dads, best guy pals, etc.
There is no wrong pink heel or shoe. Also, it's fun sometimes to shop sustainable and find a great pair of unique heels at a well loved item shop.
I'm looking forward to rebuilding Pink Heel Ladies. I am excited to meet new ladies, embark on adventures, and once again be a part of a group that is known for it's fundraising ability for our local Non-Profit's and community organizations.
Sound fun? You bet! Please feel free to reach out to me, if you have any questions or if you are part of a Non Profit that would like to partner with the Pink Heel Ladies! Please see our FAQ with more information.
Jill Dougherty

Photo Gallery Coming Soon
Photo Gallery Coming Soon
Pink Heel Ladies events are fun, empowering, and a great way to support our community together!
Shari L

Pink Heel Ladies
Join us for fun, fashion, and philanthropy!
Jill Dougherty Founder & President
Pink Heel Ladies
© 2025. All rights reserved.